Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe Game using React & Node
This project is a Multiplayer Online Tic Tac Toe game developed using React & NodeJS . It allows multiple users to play the classic Tic Tac Toe game in real time. The application handles basic and advanced calculations related to the game logic and ensures a smooth gaming experience....
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QR Code Generator Service with Node.js and Express.js
Nowadays, Quick Response (QR) codes have become an integral tool for transferring information quickly and conveniently. This project aims to develop a QR code generation API service using Node.js and Express.js. In addition, it goes further and extends the former by providing more customization options to follow RESTful API design principles and handle errors....
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Tenzies Game using ReactJS
In this article, we are going to implement Tenzied Games using React JS. Tenzies is a fast-paced and fun game where players have to race to roll a specific combination with a set of ten dice. As we are building this game with ReactJS, we are using the functional components to build the application, and we have also used React Hooks to manage the behavior of the application....
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Content Management System (CMS) using React and Express.js
This project is a Content Management System (CMS) Admin Panel developed using React for the frontend and NodeJS and ExpressJS for the backend. The Admin Panel allows administrators to manage content, including viewing and editing posts, approving pending posts, and adding new content. It features real-time updates, allowing administrators to collaboratively manage content seamlessly....
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Document Management System with React and Express.js
This project is a Document Management System (DMS) developed with a combination of NodeJS, ExpressJS for the server side and React for the client side. The system allows users to view, add, and filter documents. The server provides a basic API to retrieve document data, while the React application offers an intuitive user interface for interacting with the system....
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Real-Time Polling App with Node and React
In this article, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of creating a Real-Time Polling App using NodeJS, ExpressJS, and This project will showcase how to set up a web application where users can perform real-time polling....
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Movie Recommendation System with Node and Express.js
Building a movie recommendation system with Node and Express will help you create personalized suggestions and recommendations according to the genre you selected. To generate the recommendation OpenAI API is used. In this article, you will see the step-wise guide to build a Movie recommendation system....
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Create a To-Do List App with Next JS and Tailwind
To be productive and to remember all the tasks for the day, the To-Do app is very important. In this article, you will see the whole process of creating a to-do app from scratch. This to-do list app includes functionalities like adding new task, editing the task and deleting the task by clicking on the buttons available....
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Create Jokes Generator App using React-Native
In this article, we are going to build a jokes generator app using react native. React Native enables you to master the­ designing an elegant and dynamic use­r interface while e­ffortlessly retrieving joke­s from external APIs....
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Build a Dictionary App Using Next Js
In this article, we’ll create a dictionary app using Next Js. The application allows use­rs to effortlessly search for word de­finitions, parts of speech, and e­xample. By utilizing an online dictionary API, the app fetche­s relevant word data and organizes it in a structure­d manner. Users can also listen to the pronunciation of words....
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Top Node.js Projects to build in 2024
Node.js is one of the most popular JavaScript runtime environments widely used in the software industry for projects in different domains like web applications, real-time chat applications, RESTful APIs, microservices, and more due to its high performance, scalability, non-blocking I/O, and many other features....
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Student Management System using Express.js and EJS Templating Engine
In this article, we build a student management student which will have features like adding students to a record, removing students, and updating students. We will be using popular web tools NodeJS, Express JS, and MongoDB for the backend. For the front end, we will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll go through every step to create this application....
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